mc donalds - Uma visão geral

McDonald's is the title sponsor of the McDonald's All-American Game, all-star basketball games played each year for top ranked amateur boys' and girls' high school basketball graduates in America. Charity

A McDouble features two beef patties, one slice of American cheese, pickle slices, chopped onion, ketchup and mustard on a regular bun. It is almost the same as a Double Cheeseburger, the chain’s website acknowleges. The difference is that it has one less slice of cheese.

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In 2021, it emerged that at least 50 employees had filed charges against the chains regarding harassment in the workplace in five years, leading to the company instituting anti-harassment training. Some of the complainants also stated that they were verbally and physically harassed in retaliation for their complaints.

Don’t miss out on the incredible deals and coupons available this June at McDonald’s! From combo deals to discounts on fan-favorite menu items, you can save money while enjoying all of your favorite meals.

Morgan Spurlock's 2004 documentary film Super Size Me claimed that McDonald's food was contributing to the increase of obesity in society and that the company was failing to provide nutritional information about its food for its customers.

There is currently only an English version, we hope to have multiple translations in the future but it's currently not in our timeline of upcoming things things to focus on

Some locations are connected to gas stations and convenience stores,[69] while others called McExpress have limited seating or menu or may be located in a shopping mall.

if updating your graphics card doesn't fix it, download the compatibility patch. It will make the game run like shit but it should force it to work on your machine

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Make sure to always read the fine print. The majority of the offers can be claimed in-restaurant by scanning a QR code, however, others can only be redeemed through the chain’s Mobile Order and Pay system.

I had great difficulty ordering with a coupon thru the APP, I spent an hour between ordering and getting the food just because I wanted to have the coupon discount.

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If you were wondering when the buy one, get one for $1 deal would make its arrival back to your local McDonald's, that time is now

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